Trust – 3 Confident Instructions #Truth


I would say trust is one of the highest forms of confidence a person can posses. I remember vividly so many moments growing up as a child where I trusted everything so freely and easy. It was never hard to love as a child or to give so freely of time and energy to activities or people. Little did I know that as an adult, trust would soon become a confidence so worth fighting for and throughly examining in every season.

Everyone I know has gone through disappointments or even a scraped knee at times, but for me, nothing has been harder than trying to rebuild trust in a certain area of life after it’s been broken. You find yourself wondering at times – “How did all these pieces of my life end up this way?”. This is where I believe grace is cruicial to have in the broken places in our lives. Grace for ourselves, others, and the not so comfortable circumstances we soon find ourselves in.

One of my favorite verses in the Bible that I lean on when it becomes hard to trust is in Proverbs 3:5-6 which says:

 “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths” (amp). 

The hardest part of this verse for most and myself would definitely be the part about not relying on our own insight or understanding. Can I be honest? For me, I think my mind immediately runs to making sense out of things or how to put the pieces together when disappointments or things occur that are so hard to trust that the outcome would be praiseworthy. I think we all can agree that sometimes we need the outcomes to be praiseworthy to restore our trust…but then it suddenly hit me. Before we even allow our hearts and minds to run those races to figuring things out, God instructs us with 10 words and 3 basic instructions:

“Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord”

He wants us to lean on him, trust in him, and have confidence in who he is. This should be our first response. He wants us to be able to trust that he can carry us through anything. He can redeem. He can restore. He can increase. He can provide. He can comfort. He can. He is. He ALWAYS will. Sometimes believing comes before seeing. I have been walking through so many different scenarios the past three years where life has required me to trust in God before seeing my breakthrough. It’s taken faith y’all. Faith to rise above and not snap at the person who has done me wrong. Faith to allow certain people to be stripped from my life. Faith to allow pain in imperfections. Faith to even step into another day.

The miracle for me has been just releasing control that I don’t have all the answers and trusting that he will provide answers in his timing in his will come to pass. This is our God. He cares about our responses and casting our cares before him. I’m so grateful for many of the trials that have occurred in the past three years of my life. They have not only required me to exercise these three instructions, but have pushed me to not being so guarded. If you live long enough, life can sometimes do that to people…especially to adults like myself. I’ve gone through so much pain you would have thought an electric fence was surrounding my mind, my will, and my emotions. It is for the grace of God that I can stand before you today and say that actually through brokenness, some of these fences have been taken down in my life.  Through brokenness, I’ve had had to allow people to walk really closely with me in my pain. God has invited some of the best people to lean in with me, trust in God with me, and to encourage confidence in him all throughout the struggle. Trust is a beautiful thing. I now know that even if trust is broken down, he has a plan to raise it back up. It’s a choice to believe that for my life and I’m praying you will get to see that too!


Till next time…..




  1. JR Littlejohn · February 11, 2017

    Hello! I just wanted to say that your writing style is extremely passionate. I can tell you care deeply about what you are saying, which is a difficult thing to achieve as a writer. Your actual sentence structures are a little bit wonky at times – particularly at the start – but things smooth out as you get into it.

    Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • RuthC · February 11, 2017

      Thank you so much for your feedback! Hoping to improve in writing this year

      Liked by 1 person

      • JR Littlejohn · February 11, 2017

        You’re very welcome! =]

        Liked by 1 person

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